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iam(still)kevin. » 2005» February

Archive for February, 2005

“i love you kathy.”

Friday, February 25th, 2005

Played a bit of halo the deuce tonight with some friends, including tyler, who’s account for some reason got banned, so he’s playing under kathy’s gamertag, which is just kathy. pretty much every game we played there were guys hitting on “her”. the best was the last game though. KRUSTY CHECKERS the whole game was saying stuff like “kathy, talk to me baby” and trying to get her to say something.
but during the carnage report after the game, in which Ty had removed the communicator so they’d think she was unable to talk, the following exchange took place:
Krusty “Kathy, i love you baby”
the rest of our team: laughing
Dragoonblaster “how do you even know it’s a girl?”
Krusty “her name’s kathy, no guy is named kathy”
our team: more laughing
Krusty “I love you kathy. I don’t even care if it’s a guy.”

that’s classy.

stay classy san diego


Thursday, February 24th, 2005

This man is a shining example of what we should all strive to be, and god bless him, he’s a student at U-M.
good ol’

there are some amazing facts in this article like:
“homosexuality started in the summer of 1967, when the hippies decided to challenge the natural order that God established at the beginning of time.”

I can only aspire to be as wise as Joel Hoard.


Monday, February 21st, 2005

puzzlehunt was this weekend. fun, but tiring.
we did well, ended up in 10th, and beat tiger pit.
we had 2 puzzles that had we had more time (maybe a half hour) we would have gotten, and probably would have ended in 8th or so, but that’s ok. i slept 2 hours saturday night.

today was my first day of work, which was also good, i’m pretty excitred about it, and i know all kinds of secrets that you’ll never find out.

now i’m tired, good night.

too tired to come up with a quote.

NASCAR Commercials, the game.

Tuesday, February 15th, 2005

while watching the superbowl there were inevitably a number of NASCAR commercials which I commented were much cooler looking than NASCAR actually is. maybe someone should make a racing game, licensed with NASCAR drivers, but in the ridiculous rollercoaster or temple-of-doom looking tracks they use in NASCAR commercials. I’d much rather race Rusty Wallace around some crazy-ass Stunt Driving or Rush the Rock type track then around an oval, 350 times.
And hell, throw in the rest of the nascar commercials, the ones that don’t have racing in them. Like the one with the pirates.

only one man can kill this many russians. bring his guitar to me!

Sunday, February 13th, 2005

delicious isn’t anything new (i may have even posted about it before, but i didn’t bother to check) is a site that is essentially online bookmarks for you and everyone else to see. and it has RSS. i’ve got robin’s hooked up, and here’s mine, and if any of you happen to use it let me know so i can add your feed to my aggregationalyzer and see what interesting and neat things you find on the internet. of course i always forget to use it myself, but i’ll try to remember.

seems to me like it’s a starting point for robin’s idea of tailoring the news you read based on what the people you care about read. robin reads something neat and logs it in delicious, and i know he always finds cool stuff so i can listen in on his feed and go check it out if it sounds like something i might want to read about.

Gates of Borg.

Saturday, February 12th, 2005

There’s an art exhibit of sorts in Central Park called ‘The Gates’. It’s 7,500 bright orange gates (they look like arches) with fabric panels or banners that hang off them and blow in the wind. it’s a $20 million dollar art project - paid for by and created by the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude - and it was unfurled today. I’d like to see it, though i doubt i will since they’ll only be up for 16 days.
I think my favorite part about it is this quote in the nytimes: “It has no purpose,” Jeanne-Claude said. “It is not a symbol. It is not a message. It is only a work of art.”

Art with meaning is fine and all, but a lot of times its just something stupid that they artist makes something up like “oh, yeah, totally it’s a representation of the anarchy present in society brought on by… uh, how about squirrels?” when really it’s just a toilet bowl with a book on top of it.
Sometimes I like it when it’s just supposed to be art. Same with literature; i’m not entirely convinced that every author we talked about in school really had the intended meaning in the books he wrote that our professors told us about. Maybe it was just a story about a guy doing something or other. But i guess that’s why i didn’t major in literature.

also i got a job.

beautiful maps.

Monday, February 7th, 2005
very nice - smooth scrolling, nice directions, little tooltip-like pop-ups with a zoomed in area of the map, searches for places (coffee shops, home depot, etc) in “the map area below”.
about the only thing missing is that you don’t seem to be able to click on a loaction you’ve found to flag that spot, or find the address i.e. you find something you’re interested, maybe a park, but you can’t get the address of the park, or set it as a start or end point of directions.

random author stuff

Sunday, February 6th, 2005

China Mieville is apparently not doing anything, and his website is down.

Stephen King’s movie version of Desparation is now in post-production, though there’s no release date for it yet.

Orson Scott Card’s Shadow of the Giant (the 94th chapter in the ender series) will be out in March.

INdTV & robin.

Friday, February 4th, 2005

well, damn.
Robin is famous! well, famous enough for gizmodo to say mention him BY NAME.
you know… i went to high school with him, we totally hang out all the time.

oh yeah, he also made Epic with fellow snarkmarketer matt thompson, with music by minus kelvin.

bur·lesque (n.)

Thursday, February 3rd, 2005

1 : a literary or dramatic work that seeks to ridicule by means of grotesque exaggeration or comic imitation
2 : mockery usually by caricature
3 : theatrical entertainment of a broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns, comic skits, and sometimes striptease acts

Saturday night i went to have dinner at the Pink Door in seattle for a friends birthday. Pink Door is an italian restaurant, i think a bit overrated, but still pretty good. It was completely packed though, which we couldn’t quite figure out until the burlesque show started around 10pm. Apparently there’s a show every Saturday night, and it’s always a different show.
It was definitely interesting, I don’t know that I really care that much about it that i’d go again, but it was something different you don’t really see all that often. 3 girls performed, one on a trapeze which they have in the dining room, doing essentially topless strip-tease with pasties while wearing (and then removing) old fashioned lingerie.

not much else exciting going on really.

Well, Jim, Nathan, Katie and I watched Million Dollar Baby last night which is a really good movie. I wouldn’t recommend watching it if you don’t want to feel sad at the end of it, but it’s very good and we all liked it a lot. Essentially it’s Clint Eastwood (cool) as a boxing manager/trainer who runs a boxing gym with his friend played by Morgan Freeman (whom i have determined should narrate all movies), and he takes on a 31 year old female boxer (Hillary Swank). obviously she doesn’t know much at the end, but she’s tough and stubborn and blah blah and then she gets good. but really it’s not about the boxing, it’s the relationships they have and all that good stuff.
But seriously, the sad thing - Katie apparently cried for the last 20 minutes of the movie because it’s bit heavy at the end. But she still liked it, and it is an excellent movie.

Also, invader zim is great.

all we need is just a little patience