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iam(still)kevin. » pictures.

Archive for the ‘pictures.’ Category

i suck at photoshop.

Tuesday, July 18th, 2006

it took me about a half hour to get the image at the top to look halfway decent. i bet mike could have gotten it better than that in about 5 minutes.

Sunset over Puget Soundi took the picture that is source for the banner image back in March, just down the street from my condo, next to the Edgewater Hotel.  Somehow, i managed to take a really good picture even though the camera i used was just a canon powershot s500, a run of the mill 5 megapixel compact camera.  I actually ordered a print of the picture, 20×30, and have gotten it framed; it looks really nice.

New Pictures

Sunday, June 4th, 2006

i put up some pictures from my trip to E3 and LA.

new pictures.

Thursday, July 21st, 2005

first some random pictures of Alki Beach from a couple months ago.

Sean and Emily’s wedding.

Warped Tour 2005, out at the Gorge.

And finally my new condo.

hopefully nobody minds that i removed all comments in the pictures. some ass from new orleans with the IP posted a bunch of stupid shit.

heh, i didn’t even know i had comments available in the first place.

hey baby can you bleed like me.

more pictures, finally.

Sunday, May 22nd, 2005

I finally got around to putting up some pictures I took a while ago.
First off, The Machine. A party to raise money for The Machine, a big… thing being made for Burning Man. It looks like it’ll be really cool. And of course it will be destroyed at the end.

Next, the Steve Vai concert. Sunaree and i went to see Steve Vai and all his magnificent glory. He plays guitar well. Eric Sardinas opened up for him. He’s pretty cool, blues rock on a dobro guitar. It was a really good concert, plus I let sunaree experience more wailing guitars than she ever will again.

Jamie Waikem’s bachelor party was pretty fun. We started out with paintball in the morning. Then we met up at hooter’s for dinner, headed to belltown billiards for more drinking then was necessary, then went to rick’s, a classy place. i only went inside ricks for about 10 minutes, then had to go out to take care of an overly drunk friend. good thing i drove (and i was sober).

And finally, Pow and Oscar. I took care of them last week while anna went to E3. They are really cute. seriously, i’ve never seen cuter puppies than them. (except mojo if kathy is reading). They were pretty good except for some potty training issues, which i think are because they don’t know me so well, and were probably wondering where anna went.

that’s all for now.

every day is exactly the same.


Thursday, March 31st, 2005

i did an image search for iamkevin.
turned up mostly a bunch of puzzle hunt images i have on my site (or had, i thought i got rid of them).
also it turned up this:

what the hell is that?
besides a perfect representation of me.

new pictures…

Sunday, March 13th, 2005

are up:
colletive soul
kenny wayne shepherd


Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
i got gallery. what a pain in the ass.
i couldn’t upload 4 pictures because for some reason it couldn’t make thumbnails for them. but whatever, it’s mostly up there.

more pictures

Tuesday, August 10th, 2004

here are some more pictures i took:

oh, wait, no, that wasn’t me. they’re by Yann Bertrand.
(via metafilter)