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iam(still)kevin. » nonsense.

Archive for the ‘nonsense.’ Category

this is why we make the big bucks.

Wednesday, July 20th, 2005

a conversation i had with a friend, who will remain anonymous to protect the innocent.

Anonymous says:
iamkevin.360 says:
Anonymous says:
where was that thing again
iamkevin.360 says:
which thing?
Anonymous says:
the winamp thing
iamkevin.360 says:
in your secret share
iamkevin.360 says:
[share location]
iamkevin.360 says:
iamkevin.360 says:
Anonymous says:
and where does it go
iamkevin.360 says:
c:\program files\winamp\plugins\
Anonymous says:
i dont have that folder
iamkevin.360 says:
do you have winamp?
Anonymous says:
iamkevin.360 says:
that’s step one
Anonymous says:
iamkevin.360 says:
iamkevin.360 says:

my favorite sign.

Sunday, June 26th, 2005

I saw this sign at a restaurant the other day, it amused me:
“Braille and Picture Menus Available.”

I wonder if the people who made that sign are the same ones who sell DVDs on how to hook up your DVD player.

mj = ww?

Saturday, June 18th, 2005

I just realized that i think michael jackson is really willy wonka in disguise. but also MUCH crazier.

yeah, that’s all you get from the last two weeks.

batman begins is awesome. Crash is a good movie. The Night Of the Living Dorks is GREAT, if you can watch it you should. it’s a german movie about 3 loser kids who die and come back as zombies. really really funny. It was in the seattle film festival, catch it if you can.

late late night kids cartoons

Monday, May 30th, 2005

why are ABC kids and Kim Possible on at 2 in the morning? I was under the impression that most children were asleep at 2 AM.

Also, what’s that weird pink animal thing the blond kid (Ron?) has with him? Apparently it’s called Rufus. what the hell.

Not a bad animation style though.

Oh man, his name is Ron Stoppable.

Why am I watching this?

i used to do a little but a little wouldn’t do it so a little got more and more.

11:00 news.

Sunday, May 15th, 2005

“the sun expectedly lets forth an unexpected burst of energy.”

I just heard a newscaster start off his news report with that sentence. hehe, funny.

p.s. I like being able to immediately type stupid things like that on my new laptop. or as i have named it in Robin’s honor, kevinlappy.

p.p.s. buy an xbox 360



Monday, March 7th, 2005

if only i had kept caddying when I was 15 and then ended up as Tiger Woods caddy yesterday, i would now have a free Ford GT.

oh well, i’ll just have to drive home in my NEW FERRARI! i mean three year old camaro.

if i’m ever in a band…

Thursday, November 4th, 2004

…it will be called: Self Cannibalizing Robot Zombies.

uh, yeah that’s about it, sorry to waste your time.

Monday, November 1st, 2004


saddam hussein has it so good!

Saturday, September 18th, 2004

i was just reading an article in the NYTimes about what saddam is doing at the moment, and his living quarters are bigger than the bedroom i had back at 1331 geddes, juior year. according to the article, “Hussein is living in an air-conditioned 10-by-13 foot cell on the grounds of one of his former palaces outside Baghdad, tending plants, proclaiming himself Iraq’s lawful ruler, and reading the Koran and books about past Arab glory.” That doesn’t sound too bad, while I had 7-by-13 foot cell room that i’m convinced was what used to be the porch, just walled in. My closet was just the corner under the stairs with a dowel rod and a curtain hanging in front of it. and the worst part was, i was paying the same amount for my room as everyone else, including sunil, who had a room twice as big as mine, plus a walk in closet.

the rest of the article was pretty interesting as well, but that’s not important.

dear marlboro…

Thursday, September 16th, 2004

i’m sorry i took advantage of you to get a free zippo lighter. i don’t actually smoke, even though i told you i did. you can stop sending me smoking paraphanelia in the mail, it’s really just going to waste. i mean, i like the playing cards you sent me, i guess you can’t ever have enough of those, but i don’t need your coupons, or your “Unlimited” magazine, even if it does feature shannon elizabeth. i don’t even think i want to be friends, i mean, you don’t smoke, but everyone you know does, and that’s not cool. who knows, maybe i’ll lie to you again later to get another lighter (you can never have enough zippo’s either), but for now it’d be best if you just left me alone.

sorry again,